You're invited! Warwood School Title 1 Family Night at 6:15 on 12/1/2021 Join us on the elementary lawn for a Live reading of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" followed by a sing along, some hot cocoa incorporated with some math and reading take home activities. We will then all go to Garde Park for Light up Night @7pm. An RSVP was sent home today and we would like them returned on Monday 11/29 for planning purposes.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
Title Holiday Xmas
In recognition of American Education week we would like to welcome back Special Persons day! This Thursday and Friday elementary classes will welcome our students "Special Person" into the school. This could be a parent, grandparent, or any other friend or family member who is special to our students. RSVP's went home this past Friday and we ask that those are returned by Wednesday to help us plan for this event.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
Special Persons Day
Afternoon bus run changes: Students on bus #41 whos stop is in the south end of Warwood and Cherry Hill before the Town Homes will ride bus #28. Students who ride bus #41 with stops in Clearview and Stone & Shannon will be riding bus #45.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
Bus route Changes for the morning of 11/12/2021. Bus 45 is picking up bus 41 students and is running 20 minutes behind. Multiple Buses will be picking up Bus 18 students.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
Reminder: Picture Retakes are tomorrow! (11/9/2021)
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
After School Tutoring 2021-2022 After School Tutoring 2021-2022 After school tutoring will begin the week of October 18. There will be a form coming home in the next few days to fill out if your student is interested in after school tutoring for the 2021-2022 school year. Tutoring for Grades 3-5 will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tutoring for Grades 6-8 will be Mondays and Thursdays. After school snack in the middle school cafeteria from 3:30-3:45 Tutoring times are 3:45-4:45 in the middle school media Pick-up time is 4:45 at the middle school entrance.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
You are invited to Warwood School's Title I Fall Family Fun Night event on October 12th from 6:30-7:30 PM. This will be a fun-filled way to get everyone together and enjoy some fall-themed family activities. It will be a virtual family event so that everyone can participate and join in the fun at home. You only need to turn in one form per family if you have multiple children attending the event. The google meets link will be posted on Schoology prior to the event. Please complete the bottom portion and return form to classroom teachers. We look forward to seeing you!
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
Fall Family Fun Night
To help welcome back our middle school students and celebrate Homecoming week for Wheeling Park our students may participate in this Homecoming Themed Spirit Week. All students PK-8 may participate and prizes will be rewarded daily for those who are the "Most Spirited".
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
A few updates for upcoming events at Warwood School: -Picture day has been changed to October 13th with Retakes on November 9th. We will plan to schedule a makeup picture day after 10/13 for those who may be absent. -Pep Club Practice will be 9/27, 9/28, 9/29 and they will cheer at the September 30th football game. We will have additional practices prior to pep club cheering for basketball games and that schedule will come out closer to basketball season. - Families who are at home learning this week are able to pick up a 5 day meal kit on Wednesday here at the school. Each family must register to pick up through the Nutrislice website/app prior to Wednesday. Link:
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
5 Day Meal orders
Regretfully, this call is to inform that in conjunction with the Health Department and Central Office, the decision has been made to shift Warwood Middle School students to remote learning. At this point, the number of COVID cases and students in quarantine align with the criteria needed to make the shift towards remote learning. All middle school students will begin remote learning on Monday, 9/20/21, and all middle school students not in quarantine will return to in-person learning on Monday 9/27/21. Now that all of our middle school students are remote we will offer live learning opportunities with their teachers daily and that schedule will follow this call. Staff members will be available via Schoology and students are encouraged to reach out if they are in need of assistance. We understand this is very difficult for our families and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Please continue to monitor your child's health if your child develops symptoms, immediately isolate them from other family members and contact your child's heath care provider. If your student were to test positive for COVID please continue to notify the school so we can continue to make decisions based off the most current data. Any questions please call the middle school office.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
In Conjunction with the Health Department and Central Office, the decision has been made to shift the 7th grade students to remote learning. There are a few different criteria needed to make this shift and, as of today, our 7th grade was the only grade level that matched the criteria. All 7th grade students will begin remote learning tomorrow, 9/16/21, and they will return to in-person learning on Monday 9/27/21. While students are remote, we will do our best to meet their educational needs. Staff members will be available during the day for remote learning opportunities and a schedule will follow this call. We understand this is very difficult for our families and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Please make sure your students are checking Schoology regularly for work and if any questions please call the middle school office. Please continue to monitor your child's health; if your child develops symptoms, immediately isolate them from other family members and contact your child's heath care provider.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
'Twas the Night Before K!!! Reminder that this evening from 4pm-5pm students and families entering TK, PK, or Kindergarten can visit the school, meet their teacher, and see their classroom. We look forward to seeing everyone this evening.
over 2 years ago, Joey Subasic
8th Grade Graduation Information: -Practice is at 2pm today and remote students should be at school by 1:45pm for practice. Practice will last for less than 1 hour. -Graduation starts tonight at 6pm and all students should be at the pavilion by 5:30pm -Guest are encouraged to bring chairs as school provided seating may be limited. - A link for the live stream will be provided along with instructions later this afternoon. Call the middle school office for any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Remote Learner Tech Collection: We will be collecting all technology from all students and with the end of the year coming next week we can accept technology returns at the families earliest convivence. All student technology will need to be by June 8th. Please make arrangement to drop off the technology prior to that date. Items to be turned into the school: - Tech device (Ipad/Chromebook) - Soft or hard cases -Charging block and cable If items are not collected at the end of the year a bill will be sent to families for missing items. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. You can use this link for information on technology:
almost 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Information for 8th Grade Graduation: - Garden Park 5/27 @6pm (weather permitting) - Tickets will go home Monday 5/24. Remote tickets will be mailed home. (4 per student) - Guest are asked to bring chairs as provided seating may be limited. - The event will be live streamed via Goggle Hangout - Graduating students need to be at the Garden Park Pavilion by 5:30pm Questions Please call the middle school office. (304) 243-0375
almost 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Attention 8th Grade Remote students: Located within Schoology updates are permission slips for two upcoming events. The first form is for the 8th grade picnic which will be held at Sonneborn Shelter on Friday May 28th. Remote students are invited to participate in the events and will need to have the permission slip to attend. The second attached documents is for the 8th grade end of year trip to the Highlands Sports Complex. Students will need to have each form completed and bring to the Complex on Monday May 24th. For questions about attending these events or for transportation questions please call the School at (304) 243-0394.
almost 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Information for Remote learners regarding the General Summative Assessment (State Testing). Per state guidelines we are not able to offer the GSA remotely. All students must take the assessment at their home school. We are also required per state guidelines to have every student take the assessment. Therefore, we will be offering a safe and sanitary location within the school for remote students to come in and test during the week of May 24-28. Students can arrive at the school between 9am-10am and will test with one of our Title 1 team or councilors. The duration of the assessment varies from student to student. There are 3 tests for grades 3,4,6,& 7 and 4 tests for grade 5 & 8. Each remote student can choose to take them all in one day or return to school on multiple days. Please call the school with questions regarding remote students taking the GSA.
almost 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
8th Grade Graduation Committee Meeting: We will plan to meet on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 6pm to begin planning the Graduation Ceremony that will be held at Garden Park on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 6pm with a weather backup of WPHS PAC on June 3rd. The April 29th planning meeting will be held remotely using the link located in Schoology.
about 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Attention remote students and families: Next Wednesday, April 28th we will be administering our IMA's which are practice assessments for the General Summative Assessment at the end of the school year. The GSA is what ensures our school's success in reaching academic mastery within a school year, and as in any task in life, practice is beneficial towards the success outcome. The IMA's are important because we use that information to help the students fill in areas of need prior to the end of year assessment. This also allows the student to see how the questions are worded and allows them to utilize the tools and technology when taking the assessment. Our Title 1 staff will administer the IMA's, or practice assessment, at the time listed below: Wednesday, April 28th 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Remote students in grades 3-8 can come in on the elementary side to take the assessment or can log on remotely. The students that choose to come in will be completing the IMA assessment in Mrs. Stillion's room. We will post the remote link and code on Wednesday morning for students attempting remotely. Remote students to choose in person can come at any time between 10-2 to take assessment and students who choose to stay remote can log on anytime between 10-2. The assessment time varies from student to student, and we allot 1-2 hours for completion. Please call or message the school with questions regarding this practice assessment.
about 3 years ago, Joey Subasic
Students return from Spring Break. 4/7/2021 with a 2 HR Delay.
about 3 years ago, Joey Subasic