We're thrilled to shine a spotlight on Mrs. Blend, our exceptional Special Education Teacher and Co-Teacher here at Warwood School. Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, Mrs. Blend brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our school community. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Elementary Education, both earned at West Virginia University. 

Notably, Mrs. Blend was awarded Middle School Teacher of the Year for the 2022-2023 school year, a testament to her dedication and impact on students' lives. Beyond the classroom, Mrs. Blend, along with her husband and son, is the proud owner of a small farm in West Liberty.

Mrs. Blend's journey began in her hometown grocery store, Shop 'n Save, where she worked through high school and college breaks, climbing the ranks to front end manager. Today, her love for family shines through as she enjoys indoor activities like crocheting and spending quality time with her loved ones. When the great outdoors beckon, you might find her on a relaxing walk, enjoying her deck, or immersing herself in a good read. What she treasures most about Warwood School? The incredible staff that makes every day a joy. Join us in celebrating Mrs. Blend and her remarkable contributions to our school community!